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In the Home Of

In the Home Of (1988)


In the Home Of delves into the idiosyncrasies of every day domestic life from the rush of day-time to evening rest. Along the way, the dance ventures into a voyeuristic view of the home-life of such well-know figures as Manuel Noriega and Madonna.


Choreographer: Jan Bartoszek
Producer: Hedwig Dances, Inc. and KoKo Choreographers Collective, Inc.
Sound Design: Sheldon Smith
Lighting Design: Gwen Godwin
Music: David Byrne, Jurgen Knieper


Lydia Charaf, Pat DuChene, Sheldon Smith, Sandi Sucsy


November 30, 1989
MoMing Dance and Arts Center

In In the Home Of, created this year, four bodies in a landscape with folding chairs evolve through a series of patterns into an ultimate image of unified rest. In the process, they go through a series of frozen images to a mildly political text, quick visions of the home interiors of the likes of Dan Quayle, Manuel Noriega and Madonna.

— Sid Smith, Chicago Tribune

Special Thanks

Hedwig Dances is supported, in part, by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council. This project is partially supported by a City Arts grant from the Chicago Office of Fine Arts, Department of Cultural Affairs, with additional funding provided by the MacArthur Foundation, the Woods Charitable Fund, Inc., and the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

Special thanks to:
Jeff Usow, Beth Bartoszek, Bob Eisen, Jean Parisi and Pros Arts Studio, Bisola, Bill Dietz, Kathy Maltese, Gwen Godwin, Jim Crandell, Jan Erkert, the staff at MoMing Dance & Arts Center, Tari Gallagher, Lynn Brown, and the dancers who generously gave their time and ideas to the creation of this dance.